Sunday, May 24, 2009

Ma Making Stops in US

A one-liner in this article from Taipei Times notes that President Ma will be making stops in LA and Seattle sometime over the next week or two. To be exact, June 2nd, staying at the Sheraton Hotel in Seattle.

Ma will stop over at Los Angeles on his way over and Seattle on his way back.

Ma may not be shaking hands with the overseas Taiwanese, and those coming to the banquet may have their temperatures taken first, Yeh said, adding that these precautionary measures would be implemented in a sensitive manner.

I urge Taiwanese in Seattle to show up wherever Ma is and let whatever media is covering Taiwan's president know that there are Taiwanese everywhere that do not like what Ma is doing in terms of his economic policy, and his empty rhetoric of "protecting" Taiwan's sovereignty. President Ma and his puppet Doctor Yeh will be in a place where they cannot have their authoritarian-like state-police dictating what you can or cannot do.

If you want more reason to be upset about Doctor Yeh, take a look at this video. Doctor Yeh pulls the old, if you don't speak Taiwanese, you aren't Taiwanese trick. Like that huh? It's the thing the old DPP used to do, and hopefully they've learned the lesson-- that Taiwanese are comprised of many different backgrounds- 本省人, 本省人, Aboriginals, Hoklo, Hakka, etc. So is what the KMT Doctor Yeh is now saying is that half of you young generation who cannot speak Taiwanese, are not Taiwanese? And what about those who are 客家人?

So, go to the event, and use Chinese, Taiwanese, Hakka, English, and even Japanese, and show him what Taiwanese really means.

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