Just a chart to see what I'm looking at tomorrow. Pretty much across the board, the bloggers are all in one accord, that tomorrow will be a "judgement" type day. We either fall hard, or solidify a multi-leg rally.
228 Massacre redux
*Words do mean things*
The language that people use to write about Taiwan is a touchy subject, and
many people can't get it right. Or they *can*, but they ...
I've been following protests in Taiwan with a great deal of sympathy for
the students, admittedly lukewarm support for the details of their cause,
and tre...
உறவை முறித்து வாழ்பவன்
உறவை முறித்து வாழ்பவன் சொர்க்கத்தில் நுழைய மாட்டான் என்று நபி (ஸல்) அவர்கள்
அறிவிப்பவர்: ஜுபைர் பின் முத்இம் (ரலி),...
Rain cannot stop the LGBT Pride Parade
An estimated 30,000 people joined the 8th annual Taiwan LGBT Pride (台灣同志遊行)
march in the centre of Taipei yesterday. Light rain did not stop the crowds
Join our New Facebook Fan Page
We apologize for not updating in a while. Trying to maintain our English
website, Facebook and Twitter have kept us busy. We have launched a
Facebook fan p...
台灣人權景美園區 Jin Mei Human Rights Park
These video clips are were shot last weekend in Taipei at the Jin Mei
Political Prison, which is now a human rights park...
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